Jack at our Pet NCT in Petworld.

Ann with her darling Samson!

Confidence and Trust Building

Teaching the wait.

Prepping dogs for confidence building

Confidence and Trust Building

Elaine teaching Lois to wait and give eye contact.

Lucy building drive with samson for search and rescue.

Samson as a pup starting out his training for search and rescue.

she looks crazy because she is crazy!

Lucy and Asha on a search training exercise

Lucy and Asha at an official search in Merlin Woods.

Climbing through rocks at Hare Island

Barry Breen giving training advice at Pet Worlds Pet NCT.

Barry Breen helping a family understand why dogs do what they do.

Jack doing what he does best…getting all the love!
Jamie training her dogs to site at same time. Disabilities should never prevent a dog from training 🙂